Essay On Importance Of Vitamins

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Most part of time you hear or read that vitamins are essential for our health. Every nutritionist warns that we should eat fruits and vegetables considering they contain high levels of vitamins. Nevertheless, not everyone is actually aware of the important role vitamins play in order to guarantee us a healthy life. As some specialized publications report, vitamins are substances that our body needs every day in certain doses in order to carry out different tasks appropriately. Vitamins are important to stay healthy, since each of them has a specific function, and when we do not take our daily dose of vitamins, we can inmediately note the effects, for instance, bone weakening due to calcium deficiency (known as osteoporosis).

As experts explain, a balanced diet usually offers …show more content…

A case in point is vitamin A intoxication, considering children over four years old should consume no more than 400 – 600 micrograms daily. When children consume bigger doses, they easily accumulate the excess in fat tissues and it remains in their body for long periods. As specialists explain, some signs of vitamin A toxicity can include bone pain, peeling skin, hair loss, blurred vision vomiting and nausea.

Another significant issue is linked to the fact that the sticky texture of gummy vitamins increases the possibility of adhering to tooth enamel, especially in the spaces between teeth. According to several specialists, bacteria like to feed on the sugar contained in gummy vitamins, and within a short period of time (not longer than 20 minutes) they begin to excrete acid affecting teeth enamel. Therefore, in order to mitigate the effects of gummy vitamins consumption on your children’s teeth, you should administer them with meals or before they brush their

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