Essay On Jewish Mysticism

1572 Words7 Pages

Cristina Roselli
Mr. Dewey
Criterion A: Rationale and Preliminary Research Most know the Torah for being the Judaism’s holy book, the first five books of the Bible, and the laws. More advanced Jewish scholars may be familiar with the Talmud. But, few Jews learn the Kabbalah teachings. Traditionally, adults of the age of forty would begin to start learning about the Kabbalah and read from the Zohar (Slick). Although people at some point in their life ask mystical questions, such as: What is the nature of God?, What will happen to my soul after death?, and Will I go to heaven or hell? The Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism help to answer these common cosmological questions. People ponder the meaning of life and their role on Earth; many end up seeking spiritual fulfillment for answers, these questions bring people to the Kabbalah. Studying the Kabbalah puts people in closer reach of the higher power and a keener understanding of life itself (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry). Ever since I was young, I can remember Judaism being part of my life. My mom's friends would stay over for holidays and I just grew up celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah. Attending the only Jewish boys bar mitzvah in seventh …show more content…

The Kabbalah really is a misunderstood doctrine and sadly, it has been for thousands of years. The reason why it is misunderstood is due to the limitations of the human mind and capability to understand abstract ideas. This is the reason many things are labeled “misunderstood”. The Kabbalah really didn’t do anything to deserve it’s skewed reputation, other than just require deep concentration and thinking. People today run a high speed lifestyle with instant gratification at their fingertips. So, it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that a study that requires a large amount of time and devotion would be easily written

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