Jewish Symbol
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A candelabrum with seven branches, used at home and in the synagogue on the Sabbath and holidays.
It stands for light wisdom and divine inspiration. It symbolizes divine light spreading through the world. It is used because Synagogues must have a continually lit light in front of the Ark, called the ner tamid (eternal light).
Star of David
A figure consisting of two interlaced equilateral triangles.
It symbolizes the connection of both internal and external God. The points represent God's rule over the universe, (North, South, East, West, Up and Down). It represents David's shield as he went into battle with a similar shield.
Torah Scroll
It is a long scroll containing the
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These scrolls are rolled up and displayed on the doorposts of Jewish homes.
This symbolizes the home as a Jewish home and reminds those who live their of their connection to their faith.
A shawl worn during prayer.
The fringes on the shawl reminds them of the ten commandments as each fringe contains 8 threads and 5 knots making a grand total of 613. There are 613 commandments in the Torah. The shawl itself is to aid the jewish people in attaining a proper reverence for God while they are praying.
A small circular cap worn by Jewish Men.
It represents awareness of a higher entity. Jewish men always cover their heads as it is described as honouring God because “the divine presence is over [their] heads”. (understood by Rabbi Yosef Karo in the Shulchan Arukh).
Translated into life or alive.
The word consists of the eighth and tenth that adds up to 18. This is an important number and often Jewish people will purchase gifts that cost 18 dollars.
There are also 18 individual prayers in the Shmoneh Esreh. Finally there's the connection to life and that you should live a life of kindness, generosity,