Infinity Snake Symbolism

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I wasn’t very familiar with the infinity snake symbol prior to this assignment. Actually, I didn’t know the actual name of it. I’d seen it . . . it is in quite a few places. I’ve seen it as a tattoo, part of a graphic design photo . . . but only had a vague idea of what it meant. Even without knowing its name, it wasn’t difficult to figure out that stood for infinity. I equate it with the idea of wedding rings. One round circle that never ends, signifying eternity. Now after doing this assignment I have a better idea of what this symbol stands for. The infinity snake was believed to be inspired by the Milky Way. It was serpent of light living in heaven, the Milky Way being the snake. As a result, the Egyptians referred to it as “the name of the Great World Serpent surrounding the world”. The phrase “hen to pan” (the one is all) was also associated with the symbol as the words were sometimes found next to it. It meant unity of opposite sides in all things; two opposites can’t exist without the other. Life cannot exist without death, dark cannot be without light. It was first seen in the book “Enigmatic Book of Netherworld”, a funerary text, and was found on the tomb of Tutankhamun, the young pharaoh of Egypt, representing the beginning and …show more content…

. . as I did my research on the use of Ourboros in paganism, I found VERY little information. The only information I COULD find was at Christian websites. They claimed that Pagans have used this symbol since the beginning of time – since it was considered a representation of reincarnation, it was instantly deemed Pagan. They also said Ourboros symbolizes time, “from which alone wisdom springs”. I’m not sure if the Christians just didn’t read the fine print on that one, but it’s still good on this side. Paganism is about the unity of all living things on earth, about the natural cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. I can see where the two walk hand in hand . . . in unity, of