Essay About Katana

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Firstly, the katana was an essential weapon to the samurai of medieval Japan. It is unclear where the katana originated, but it is a form of both Chinese and Japanese craftsmanship. The katana first appeared in the Muromachi Period between 1392-1573 A.D. In the Muromachi Period, Zen Buddhism was very important to military life and everyday life. Under this period there were tea ceremonies, ink painting, and architecture simplicity. This was the everyday life of people in this period. The swordsman who made the katana was a valued artist and had a high status. Katanas were needed for samurai to have protection in battle. The sword was very important to the samurai. In fact, when a samurai was about to be born a sword was brought into the delivery chamber upon delivery because it was …show more content…

Samurai needed weapons for battle, and when they got katanas, the katana was their most prized possession that they lived their whole live with, affecting the culture of the samurai. Samurai honored the katana, along with their code of bushido, which they lived by, creating an individual belief system for the rank of samurai. When the Katana was invented it benefitted economy because everyone wanted one so katana makers thrived and katanas sold quickly. Since the katana was so valued many people had jobs for the making of katanas with the limited resources which also made the economy better. As the central government weakened, daimyo gained authority and fought for power, using samurai armie to fight, invention of the katana helped samurai in these battles. Improved the samurai battle methods, and the invention of katana made job of samurai slightly easier with new technology for weaponry. To sum it all up, a katana is a long sword with a one sided blade that was essential to the samurai armies in

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