Essay On Louisiana Wetlands

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Louisiana wetlands’ are currently undergoing catastrophic environmental issues. It’s major environmental problem is the loss of its wetland. Louisiana’s wetland loss has been occurring for thousands of years. Many organisms have been affected by this loss. Most organisms loose their habitats, while others unfortunately die out. Although Louisiana has lost a tremendous amount of land, it’s being lost faster than it can be replaced. The wetland loss has been due to cumulative natural and human-induced impacts. By 2040 Louisiana will have lost more than one million acres of land. If scientists don’t come up with a solution soon our species rate and land rate will continue to decrease. Louisiana wetland loss is happening because of cumulative …show more content…

A costal ecosystem restoration program was invented by Congress in the Water Resources Development Act of 2007. The state is expected to spend nearly $1.2 billion over the next three years on protection and restoration projects. They have yet to come up with the money, but they have been thinking of solutions. One solution they have been thinking of is the sediment required to replenish the wetlands will come from land scattered throughout the basin. Even though sediments are crucial to rebuilding the wetlands of the Mississippi River Delta, additional nutrients flowing through river diversion could potentially impair inland waters of the state. Another solution they have come up with an upstream strategy as a reduction in the application of chemicals to the farmland of the Midwest along with restoring wetland buffer strips on the edge of fields that can reduce nutrient loading in the river waters. Louisiana wetland loss is damaging our environment. Due to wetland loss, organisms has lost their homes and some people may have their homes also. Louisiana will have lost a lot of land if scientist don’t put their plan in action to save Louisiana wetlands. Louisiana is in serious danger when it comes to the loss of wetlands. We as people and the scientist needs to come up with a plan to save our

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