Popular Mass Media Analysis

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Popular mass media affect not just how the public views people with mental illness, but, how the public thinks about the disorders themselves. Also, media can make a big change in a common misconception about mental illnesses that they are unremitting and untreatable (Friedan, 2008). For previous opinions some people encourage talking about mental illness in mass media.

Opponents Claims Despite the evidence supporting talking about mental illness in media there is some evidence still unsupportive for this idea - opponent claims- focus on negative points such as: crime and violence. In addition, there is no direct correlation between mental illness and violence; sure, a small handful of misdiagnoses can interrupt a person 's connection to reality, causing them to believe things that are untrue (Friedan, 2008). Theoretically, this could lead to violent behavior. Practically speaking, though and research has shown no connection between mental illness and violence. And even if it did, its unlikely depression would be the condition that leads to violence, since depression is not associated with delusions, psychosis, or other forms of disconnection from reality; here comes the media for linking these points to be against talking about mental illness in media explain that: if mental illness is shown in media its encourages the violent behaviors, this reaction is reflected badly on mental …show more content…

Although, people may kill themselves for many reasons; depression in some cases can lead to suicide that makes media frustrated and they consider it as a crime and handled in the media, which is abusive to mental health in general (Friedan, 2008). Also, media may simply mean that otherwise qualified people do not lose their jobs solely but with mental illness, it 's happened so this increase stigmatization and deprives those who need for seeking the help, media increase stigma related to mentally ill people (Friedan,