Essay On Media Underage Substance Abuse

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Rationale As a teenager, I go home and sit right down in front of a screen whether it be my phone, a computer, or the TV. On average, people my age spend close to 40 hours a week on a screen. It is inevitable to see advertisement or shows that have underage substance abuse within them. What effect does this have on young consumers such as myself? Though there were many options for text type, I chose to write an article style task because I feel in the real world an article would be more easily accessible to everyone. Examining various types of media with underage substance abuse greatly helped me choose a target audience. Most media that involves this mature content is rated TV-PG or higher. Therefore my target audience is anyone under the age of 18 who view such programs. The …show more content…

Friday night after a football game. Everyone is headed to a party to celebrate the win. Loud music is blasting and you can see teens dancing wildly throughout the big house. There’s some guys doing keg stands in the corner and every person as far as the eye can see is holding a red solo cup. Everyone is having a blast. This is what consumers most often see on tv and in movies. Sugar coated party settings. Nothing ever goes wrong, so what happens when a young freshman girl decides to go to party? Is this what she sees in her favorite show? Media doesn’t often display the real facts: 60% of rapes happen before the age of 18. 44% of these sexual assaults are considered alcohol related. ⅓ of teenagers report there being alcohol readily available at the parties they attend. People ages 12 through 20 drink 11% of all alcohol consumed in the United States. Young people consume 90% of their alcohol by binge drinking. An estimated 88,0009 people die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United