
Essay On Minimum Wage

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I am in favour of the increase in minimum wage this January. Minimum wage currently for students under 18 is $10.90, but as of January 2018 will increase to $13.15 because of the provincial legislation. Politically, I believe that this will be better for the economy because the Ontario government has allowed for many other benefits alongside Bill 148 to prevent small businesses from falling through due to these changes. They promise to cut the corporate tax rate on the first 500K made from profit, from the current 4.5% to 3.5% as of January 1, 2018 (same day increased minimum wage comes into effect). Furthermore, small businesses with fewer than 100 employees will get an incentive of $1000 to hire a young person (15-29 years old) and another …show more content…

In connection to “Who I am”, when I think about my beliefs and values, I know that in any job I apply to that minimum wage would be my salary because I classify as ‘students under 18’. Similar to me, many students are only starting to think about whether they want to get a part-time job or not, because this is the age when we become eligible to do so, and this increase would definitely push more of us to get out there. Paid experience is definitely important, and going through the process to find that first job is equally as significant. “Where am I” has definitely played a role in my opinion, because I am apart of many communities that emphasize the importance of employment at this age. First and foremost, the Bur Oak Secondary School community, where I have just completed the Careers course and been encouraged to pursue a part time position in my spare time. Being apart of this community has given me the needed skills to acquire this first job such as participating in a mock job interview, preparing a resume and writing a cover letter. Additionally, based on my family’s values and beliefs, I have realized how much of an opportunity this is for youth in

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