
Essay On Minimum Wage In The United States

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Coming to the united states is very hard for many immigrants because finding a job that has pay well is very difficult for many immigrants. Without proper education makes it even more difficult for kids of immigrants to find a job with a good living wage. Is there a way for immigrants to have a good wage in the work force? and does the children of immigrants have an impact on the educational system in the United Sates?
*Key Words: Immigration, Work force, Education, illegal immigrants, minimum wage*
Illegal immigration has many effects on the United States, particularly in the communities where the workers settle. The practice leads to overextended public services, depressed wages, divisions among people, and a general atmosphere of injustice. Only by making certain that only legal residents of the United States are hired in jobs that comply with labor laws can we assure that all residents get the compensation and job opportunities that the market should bring them. The United States is made up of immigrants from other …show more content…

The United States has a federally mandated minimum wage. As with any economic control, this creates a shortage of workers in jobs that people are not willing to do for less than that wage. Illegal immigrants usually come from places where the standard of living is lower or where there are few jobs available and are willing to accept lower wages. This means that they will sometimes work for less than minimum wage. Though it is appealing to immigrants at first, even a minimum wage job will rarely cover the expenses of living in the United States. These workers are doomed to live in poverty and rely on their communities for support and when the community does not support them they could run into a lot of financial problems; such as, making ends meet in paying home expenses and putting food on the table for their

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