Minimum Wage Essay

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How will the government generate revenue (income tax, tariffs, excise tax)?

Will the government set a minimum wage? What about a guaranteed income?
Our government will set a minimum wage, the minimum wage will be a little higher than ours currently is but not too much because otherwise jobs that could support people might get replaced by robots. Instead of $7.25 we will raise the minimum wage to $8.25. Welfare or minimum income will be given, but unless you are disabled or cannot work for some other reason you have to at least have some job to show you are trying in order to be on welfare. This will prevent people from being lazy and just deciding to live off of welfare instead of working.
Will the government encourage certain industries? Which ones? How? Why?
We will support the industries that lean towards a greener and more productive future, such as the following: Educating, Waste Management, …show more content…

Does the government want to encourage education? To what level? In which fields? How will it make education achievable for Americans (e.g. vouchers, student loans, etc.)? Currently, public education is the purview of the states---will you maintain this or nationalize schools?
Yes we want to encourage education, we raised the money spent on education from 6% to 10% of our national spending. We want to encourage more education in science and environment. To make education better and more achievable we will lower the price of college and have free or lowered tuition for people who can't afford to go to college. Even if college is cheaper it will still be better for the economy because with more people educated they will get better jobs and make more money.
How will the nation spend its revenue? Will you prioritize healthcare, military/defense, science,