
Minimum Wage In America Essay

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Americans have been struggling since the Great Depression to get ahead and stay above the poverty line. This article states that more than 28 million working people in America are making less than minimum wage. There are several contributing factors which lead to people being classified as poor. The cost of childcare, health insurance, college, and living have impacted families leaving them unable to get ahead in this country. Most people in the working poor category are high school educated, white, females. I agree with this idea because women, on average are paid less than men for the same job, they must pay for childcare, and hold at least a part-time job to have an income. This article has ideas on what could be done to ensure a positive change in our country to improve the poverty level. I find that affordable child care and raising minimum wage would take the pressure off these struggling families. I agree that minimum wage should be raised, the article mentions an increase of just $1.50, which would greatly benefit many people. More single moms are having …show more content…

There have been attempts to begin fixing the poverty issue such as expanding Medicaid, help uninsured people get insured, and raising minimum wage. Americans are struggling to get ahead, because Congress does not wish to provide adequate resources for individuals living in poverty. The U.S. is most likely not going to change laws to help those struggling. I believe there will always be a divide between the rich, middle-class, and people living in poverty. I agree with the idea of “two Americas” brought on by Senator John Edwards. Unless Congress creates radical changes, I believe our country will be divided into the wealthy/privileged and the working poor. I find that raising the minimum wage and providing adequate and affordable health insurance would put our country in the right direction of the “working poor”

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