The Importance Of Mnemonics In Psychology

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Chapter 1: Introduction Back in 500 BC, Simonides, who was a Greek lyric poet, developed a system of mnemonic techniques based on images and places, which is the method of loci. The method is invented when he was able to recognize the unidentified dead body by recalling the places, which they had been sitting at the table (Yates, 1966). The word “mnemonic” is derived from the Ancient Greek word “mnēmonikos” and is related to “Mnemosyne”. It refers to the meaning of the name of the goddess of memory in Greek mythology (Medina-De la Garza, García-Hernández, & de los Ángeles Castro-Corona, 2013). In other words, mnemonic can be explained as helping people to remember things by relating the new information to the existing knowledge, which stored …show more content…

The objectives of this study are to find the degree to which the used and the acceptable memory model among the student-teachers, equipped students with mnemonic and figure out the popularly used of mnemonics technique for learning psychology, and also measure student-teachers` attitude toward using mnemonics and the used in teaching lesson. 40 B.Ed. students who had selected English as medium of instruction were taught with cognitive development theory, learning theory and intelligent theory by using memory model of teaching. Self-constructed tools were used to measure students` attitude toward the memory model of teaching and mnemonics. This research showed a positive result where 100% of the students showed positive attitude towards the mnemonics technique and 95% of students agree mnemonic is interesting and useful in the learning process (Maheswari, 2013). In another words, it also means that mnemonics technique is useful in the learning process of psychology theories. Besides that, the interactive, joyful and burden free process of mnemonics techniques make better retention whenever need arises and this will be helpful in exams (Maheswari, 2013). The effectiveness used of mnemonics technique had brought an impact for students where 90% of them agree to use mnemonics technique for teaching when they become full-fledged teachers (Maheswari,