Essay On Motif Of Weather In Macbeth

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The motif of weather in Macbeth The whole play is characterized by tragedy. It is indeed a dramatization of events that are taking place associated with the effects of political ambitions. Out of dramatization, various things are witnessed in the play dramatization. Macbeth is the main character in the play who receives an insight from three witches that he will be the king of Scotland. Macbeth’s wife spurs him to action while his ambition is also the driving force and ends up killing King Duncan to take the throne. He then engages in more killings to a wad of suspicion and enemies. The motif of the weather is repeatedly used in the play, and it is a representation of a disruption in the natural order, a prediction of a bad occurrence, and to depict the overall characters personality. Weather as a motif highlights the interruption of the natural order. That is clearly visible in the introduction to Act 1 Scene 1 where ‘Thunder and lightning. Enter three witches’ …show more content…

The witch implies that their meeting takes place in thunder, lightening, and rain, and this becomes an association with the dark character. The witches character is associated with a negative personality that is also seen in Act 4 when the third witch is summoning the devil. Before each apparition, thunder strikes, and this signals an association with a dark personality. “A boiling cauldron, Thunder” (Shakespeare Act 4 Scence 1). The witches, as well as the demon, are being associated with a dark personality. The murderers are also introduced with darkness as well as the likelihood or rain. Such can be seen where Banquo notes that “It will rain tonight” (Shakespeare line 18). The obscurity seen in nature signifies a particular personality that is negative rather than