Essay On Nat Turner Rebellion

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The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion Nat Turner struck back at the slave system with violence because he considered himself a prophet and felt that killing white people was God’s will. The original family that owned him gave him access to white children school books.The worst treatment of Nat Turner received as a slave was from Thomas Moore, who gave him a thrashing after Nat suggested that the slaves ought to be free and would be one day or another. I would not consider this abuse because many slaveholders would punish a slave for speaking against slavery. As a young adult, Nat Turner is said to have practically memorized all of the Old Testament. The Old Testament, the slave church, and extensive fasting deepened his faith, and he used his faith to justify his actions. As a Baptist preacher, he got the support of other slaves and was able to travel around the town and learn the layout of the land. He was also able to gain confidence in himself and his ability to complete what he thought was …show more content…

The debate was caused because many felt emancipation was the only way to end the violence, while others wanted to keep their slaves to make profit. They decided against abolishing slavery because colonizing the blacks would be too expensive and too complicated, and they were not about to let black men free in a white man’s country. White leaders blamed the insurrection on northern abolitionism. They could not blame the slave system because it was making them rich and they considered to part of everyday life. Whites felt like they were superior to blacks, so they believed the slave system was justified. Southerners blamed the north for causing the violence. This fueled tensions and precipitated the Civil War because southerners thought northern abolitionism inspired slaves to act out and rebel. Essentially, this made the north their enemy because they were threatening their lifestyle and