Essay On Native American Medicine

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Medicine has changed drastically over the decades, and have always been used for variety of different reasons ranging from a cough to cancer. Some for pain and some to get over an illness. They’re used to treat illness’ and protect you from getting sick if you aren’t already. There are many different types of medicines beyond classifying them as certain medicines used for certain illness’. You have your over the counter medications used for pain relief, a common cold, headaches, nausea and a cough. While prescription medicines are used for more severe pain relief, depression, anxiety and viruses. The Native American’s were the natives to the land so they knew the terrain well and knew how to use what was provided. As the land was settled, they had to fight for their land and what was rightfully theirs. They had to treating wounds for their people even more than before as small wars broke out. The Native American’s as a whole were very natural and resourceful with what they were given in their areas. They found what worked and used it. They had holistic beliefs as well, believing that the physical well being of a human is just as important as the emotional and mental well being, as …show more content…

We now have more advance medications like chemo and radiation for more progressive and potentially harmful diseases. We have the ability to make medicines of a stronger strength, to help with cure someone potentially faster than normal. Farmers are now giving chemicals to their animals that go to the slaughter house so we can eat them. There are restrictions about what you can and can’t give your farm animals. They give them medicines like that to see if it is potentially making the food any healthier, but it is probably hurting us more than anyone could think. Many would say the harmful things put into our food could be a fantastic cause of half of the illness’ and diseases that you see in today’s