Essay On Neuropathic Pain

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According to the International Association for the Study of pain, “neuropathic pain is a complex type of pain which is caused by a lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system (1).” Neuropathic pain can have a major impact on the functioning and quality of life of those who suffer from it; it can be central or peripheral pain. Central neuropathic pain is when damage occurs directly to the central nervous system such as the brain and spinal cord and peripheral pain is when the pain originates from damage to peripheral nerves, nerve plexus or nerve root ganglions (1). It can occur as a result of many conditions such as strokes, diabetes, spinal cord injury, amputation or as a result of chemotherapy (1). In stroke patients this pain can begin in the hemiplegic shoulder but can also affect other areas of the upper limb. According to Zeilig et al, this pain affects rehabilitation as it results in a longer period of hospitalization and can decrease functioning in the upper limb (2).

It could then be said that if a patient had to suffer from diabetes and a stroke they could be at a greater risk of experiencing neuropathic pain. This type of pain greatly limits treatment and improvement in terms of the patient’s …show more content…

One non-pharmacological treatment, which has been seen to be successful in the treatment of chronic pain, in general is mirror therapy. This has been found to be successful in the treatment of chronic pain known as phantom limb sensation in amputees and is now being used and researched in other forms of illness and rehabilitation. It has also been found that in order to treat neuropathic pain such as that of CRPS a multi-disciplinary approach should be used in mobilsing the effected limb as people suffering often acquire protective methods and prevent movement of the limb

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