Essay On Nevada Government

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Nevadan Government, while bound by federal policy, is different in many ways. The definitions and powers of branches of government as well as amendment processes, in their differences to federal equals, define much of Nevadan politics and state governance. Most of the important differences either protect voters through more stringent legislative requirements or give more democratic power to the majority through the elective and legislative process. The Nevada Constitution, adopted in 1864, is much longer and more in depth than the US Constitution ratified 76 years before. The state’s constitution includes 19 articles and has been amended more than 100 times since its adoption. A good many involve additional venues of democratic process, in both diluting executive power through a plural elective, directly electing judiciaries, and more direct representation in the legislative process. These differences provide Nevadan voters additional checks against governmental powers, yielding in most ways, to Nevada’s current voting majority. Nevada’s state government …show more content…

Legislative amendments in Nevada must pass two-thirds votes in both houses, and then only earn a simple majority on a public ballot. This method of amending constitutional legislation creates a more volatile term cycle legislatively, yet provides Nevadan voters a form of fair representation in constitutional changes. This flexibility at the power of the current voting majority is hedged by federal constitutional minimums, though this simple majority power also allows Nevada to be easily influenced by foreign politics, whether state, country, or global influences. Nevada struggles to hold onto conservative policies while at the whim of a majority vote that can easily swing