Nursing education is a theoretical and practical training of a nurse with the aim to achieve that the nurse carries out his/ her duties as a health care practitioner in a skilled, professional method. This training is mostly done by experienced nurses and other medical professionals, who themselves have acquired knowledge or the necessary training to teach. The nursing training and education advanced from its religious and military based origin as there was an advanced in medicine and technology.
Nursing education dates back from the 1800s which mostly was carried out by physicians, this was mostly hospital based as nurses would work seven days, 12 hour shifts and have one afternoon off within each week. Therefore, nurse education or training
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Two recommendations were particularly suggested and become relevant to the nursing education, the first being that by 2020, 80% of nurses, should be trained at a baccalaureate level, this is to promote nurse leaders and educators to develop innovative strategies.
The second suggestion made by the Institute of Medicine is that more nurses to be trained at a doctorate level, as this would increase having a sufficiently faculty to educate the number of nurse trainees in demand for the workforce, and this would increase the number of scientist whom will contribute the disciplines knowledge. Also, the requirement of speciality practise knowledge to educate and train in pre-licensure programmes.
The evolution of nursing education and training, not only resulted in nursing being a science but also the involvement of exploring patients care and experiences. Nursing being the heart or centre of the health care team, one would agree that nursing scientists are in demand as there is a significant contribution and understanding to the health