Essay On Nursing Professionalism

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Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values
The Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice defines professionalism as “the consistent demonstration of core values evidenced by nurses working with other professionals to achieve optimal health and wellness outcomes in patients, families, and communities by wisely applying principles of altruism, excellence, caring, ethics, respect, communication and accountability” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2008, p. 26). Professionals is an individual who displays proficient and skillful behaviors that are appropriate with their profession. Being professional then is a behaving in a manner defined and expected by the society. People with judge professionalism …show more content…

As Baccalaureate nurses we all have a foundation on nursing professionalism; however, the following professional values are emphasized in this essential in nursing professional: altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice. Altruism is defined as the belief in or practice of unbiased and generous concern for the well-being of others. Autonym is defined by this essential as the right to self-determine. Human dignity, this concept emphasizes that patients must be respect and dignity. Social justice is another value that nurses must possess in their practice. Integrity is demonstrated by the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. The definition of social justice is equal treatment regardless economic status, race, age, disability, or sexual orientations. The second part of this journal will discuss how the context of this essential will impact my future. I found this essential really interesting and it made me start reflection on my nursing practice. I think that learning how to be compassionate, caring, and professional when we care for patients who are in pain can be personally and professionally challenging. This are skills have to develop with time, but are lessons