Essay On Oppression Of Women In America

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When we think of women’s oppression, we often don’t think of our own country. Mainly this is because many of us are “blinded” by our society and by our beliefs that our country could never do that. However, even though we live in the United States, we still have these problems happening to us. Although many of the problems listed are noteworthy, the three that I found the most interesting were the US’s expectation for and about bodies, limitations of reproductive rights, and work life. Just like in other countries, women in the US aren’t free of the expectation and pressures to be perfect which can mean to have a perfect body, hair, and to mainly be all around perfect. For example, in the chapter Beauty Cult, it talks about women are being called ugly to lower their self-esteem because society has made it acceptable. They believe that by doing this they can change standards even …show more content…

Or rather, we don’t really hear about it much in the media. Men are expected to work long hours and come home and relax, but what about the women? Some of these women work just as long, if not longer than these men, and are expected to come home and do even more jobs on top of it. What’s wrong with that? Why can’t women be seen in the same light as men? Sure, some men are stay at home dads and help their wives out by doing what they would normally do, but most of these women still get a lot of criticism for working full time and being a mom. In the 21st century, I didn’t really think that this would still be a problem, but it is a massive one. Women are subjected to taunts and criticism from men and even from other women about not being in their “normal” place. I think that this is absolutely crazy. With human and women’s rights, we have come a long way since our country first began, but sometimes I think we resort back to the ways that we know best because we are afraid of the outcomes that could come from moving