Informative Essay: Participation Awards

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Every child and or human knows of the best award anyone can get. You know, the one you get when you try your best but don’t succeed. Yes, that’s correct, this type of award is known as the participation award. Everyone 's a winner! Participation awards are what keep the world turning. Little Jimmy whose basketball team got dead last in a tournament received a participation medal. Little Jimmy also won a participation award for his science fair entry. He won another one for submitting a work of art that his mother loved in an art show. You know what these things have taught little Jimmy? They have taught him to be a hoarder. He kept all of those participation awards because he could never get a not-nearly-as-important first place medal. Participation medals give people so much to look forward to in life. It opens them up to a whole new world of participation. It makes them think ‘Hmm, what can I participate in …show more content…

These awards give people a sense of unity. Who doesn’t love being exactly equal to everyone else who receives a participation award. Now you can just slide through life without any sort of recognition, besides of course your participation recognition. You won’t have to be that kid that gives speeches at graduation for your hard efforts throughout school. You get to be one of the many other students who get to sit and watch, but eventually everyone gets a participation award. That award would be called your diploma. Congratulations, you participated through 4 years of hell, here is your award. Now you have something else to add to your stack of medals and awards that reach your ceiling, or maybe you’ll add it to your hundreds of other framed participation awards.
Now, where is my participation award for writing this paper. I need to take it home and frame it. Maybe I’ll send it to my grandma. She’ll be so proud. I’ll also post it all over social media, that way all of my closest friends and family can see it and congratulate me for me efforts of