Essay On Pathos Ethos

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The faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion known as pathos, logos, and ethos these rhetorical devices have always been used in literature, improving and refining composition. Many authors and speakers rely on these techniques to help deliver their point across. Pathos, Ethos, and Logos all have different purposes; Pathos appeals to emotion, while ethos appeal, means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character. Logos can be recognized as an appeal to logic and facts. These following texts have occupied the usage of these techniques. Another useful tactic is S.O.A.P.S, stands for speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, and subject. The texts are based on the land on the moon, because many of the rhetorics used, I’ll identify if they were effective or not. In the first text, “ Man Takes First Steps Towards the Moon” the writer’s subject was the first steps on the moon from astronaut Neil Armstrong; the occasion was the Apollo 11. The audience was basically anyone who reads it… media, his colleagues, and other …show more content…

The occasion was in case they didn’t make it back. The Purpose was to help people overcome the tragedy of the event and to make them move on. Logos in this text would be President Nixon as well as an ethos. The emotion in this would be very sad. Mourning. It would appeal to pathos seen that it’s a very delicate subject. Just like the rest “The July 16, 1969, Launch: A Symbol of Man’s Greatness” subject is based on the Apollo but, this time it’s on the launch, occasion… July 16, 1969. The audience were people there when the launch was active, the purpose was to detail how people felt towards it. The speaker was Ayn Rand. Rand’s appeal to patho is by leaving them in shock, while her appeal to ethos is by writing about true