Patrol In Law Enforcement

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What is Patrol in Law Enforcement? A patrol is ordinarily a group of individuals, for example, law enforcement officers or military personnel who screen certain geographic territories. They monitor regions searching for problem of issues of any sort. The vast majority of the group will know them really well because of the reality of them being the most commonly encountered officers by the public.
What does Patrol do? Being that patrol officers are most commonly encountered by the public, their duties consist of responding to calls for service, resolving disputes, taking crime reports, making arrest, conducting traffic stops, and other crime prevention measures. Being that patrol officers have to know geographic areas well it is important that they are the first to arrive on the scene of any incident. As an officer it is also important that they take precaution measures to everything they do in the crime scene area; what such an officer does or fails to do at the scene can and will greatly influence the outcome of any investigation. As an active member in the community and a person who is in the field daily, he/she is often closest to potential crime and may have developed contacts who can provide certain information …show more content…

They handle a variety of tasks, mentioned before in the previous paragraphs. A big difference between a patrol officer and a sheriff’s deputy is their jurisdictional authority. Police jurisdiction starts and ends at the boundaries of the municipality. The boundaries may include cities, a town, or a county, whatever the municipality may be. Patrol officers requirements consist of training in a school(K-12) or an Associate’s degree. People seeking jobs typically attend a certified training academy before becoming a real officer. The training academies will involve both skill training and classroom