
Essay On Pay Gap Between College Grads

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In the New York Times article Pay Gap Between College Grads and Everyone Else at a Record, the author talks about the many points of why people who have graduated college are making more money than people who didn’t. While people who have a higher education deserve higher paying jobs, the pay gap is still much too high for non-college grads to live comfortably. According to the author, college graduates make, on average, 56 percent more than people who only graduated high school! (1) There are many reasons for this, including school counselors not talking to students about college enough, and high school students not having the skills to get higher paying jobs. The author claims that “few experts think the solution is simply to send more students to four-year colleges.” (2) I agree with this. College is very expensive, and can leave a person with a lot of debt. Schools should teach students skills that will help them to get a higher paying job. If there were more resources for students to learn skills that would help them get a job, it would drastically increase the amount of non-college grads who are getting jobs that pay more than minimum wage. The author also mentions how non-college graduates are less likely to own a home, have a job, or get married (3). This makes …show more content…

While I was still attending public school, it seemed like the teachers were more focused on things like bullying and testing. Things that were relevant and would help us in the future weren’t often talked about. While in public school, I was never talked to about what I was going to do after high school by a counselor, or even my teachers. However, since starting online schooling, I have noticed that the teachers are more concerned about what we’re going to do after we’re done with

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