Essay On Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Are Performance Enhancing Drugs Really Bad? Many people debate whether or not performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) are bad or not, but in truth, the positive effects heavily outweigh the negative effects. PEDs aren’t harmful, people just avoid them because they are too afraid to try, or they just aren’t getting the same results as others, but PEDs will sure help athletes reach elevated objectives. PEDs should be legalized in all professional and minor league sports because of the benefits they bring. PEDs are proven to increase strength and endurance on way or another. PEDs such as anabolic steroids ( synthetic steroids the create a higher output for energy production and muscle gain ) make muscle and strength gains come in more proportion and in a least amount of time. PEDs such as these have a huge impact on strength gain without a serious …show more content…

If more and more athletes decide to use these PEDs then the supplement industry would skyrocket along with the sports industry. Allowing players to decide whether or not they want to use these drugs is up to them, but the more and more athletes that use them, the more it would be encouraged to other athletes that look up to these big-time names. This in quick succession would make these athletes also want to buy these supplements, therefore raising the earnings of these companies. Now not all athletes will buy these supplements, but those that are very committed to playing their sport will do it and just do it (no pun intended). Raising the revenues can actually mean an expansion of these PEDs, allowing more of the budget into experimenting and researching on new drugs. The more and more people will try to improve themselves like their favorite athletes and buy these supplements, making their bodies healthier, and supporting their favorite brands and