
Essay On Persepolis

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The goal of this film adaption of Persepolis was to emphasize how the Iranian revolution impacted women and wearing the veil in Iran. While reading Persepolis, I was confused with the historical portion of the story and how it impacted the veil. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to do some research to learn new information and execute what I learned into this project. After doing my research, I decided to write a script and incorporate scenes that signified the importance of the history along with the veil. My scenes take place right after Khomeini has officially become the leader, and is slowly implementing the law to make it obligatory for women to wear a veil. The beginning of my script starts Marji’s mother running in a crowded …show more content…

This scene takes place 5 days later to emphasize that the mother is still affected by what happened to her days after the event. In the living room, the news is on and a government official is on the screen stating that women are required to wear the veil. What is ironic is that the government official does include that women have to wear the veil for religious reasons, along with the fact that women must cover themselves so men are not sexually appealed to them. In the original text, the man only talks about the veil protecting women from men. I wanted to add on more to this, to connect it with my historical brief and research about Khomeini. After hearing the news, the mother shuts the television. This shows that the mother has more westernized thoughts, and believes that the veil oppresses women from showing their true identity. She isn’t afraid to express her opinions out loud in front of her husband. Marji’s father, on the other hand, does not say anything. I wanted to show that this family is unique because the women dominant the men. This usually isn’t common, especially in households in Iran where women are not allowed to express their opinions. Towards the end of the scene, Marji leaves and goes to her room to think. To portray what she was thinking, I decided to express her thoughts through a voice over. I feel like voice overs can be more powerful than a dialogue since the audience can feel

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