Personal Reflective Essay: Person-Centered Psychotherapy

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ME IN PERSON-CENTERED THERAPY The last couple of months have been a very eye-opening journey for me. I had many realizations about myself and my relationship with people around me. For this, I started to see my self-structure, and this is how I look at it. For me, my self-structure is rigid in specific areas especially, where come my religious beliefs. Any experience in conflict with beliefs and faith becomes threatening to me; I become more immutable and disown that experience. The person-centered approach has given me an awareness of analyzing my self-structure another way, by not looking for reasons in people attached to the experience but myself; There comes the point when my self-concept becomes invariable, and the feeling of discomfort arises to an extent where I don't feel any flexibility and self-empathy in myself. For instance, close intimacy in a relationship before marriage is a big no, considering my religious beliefs and my …show more content…

While thinking in such a way, I found in my journey of person-centered therapy that I am not congruent to how I feel. I can relate it to so many situations where I have been pretending and hiding of how I think rather than being congruent. 16 years it's been, and I still remember when my grandfather passed way one of my close friends came to console I got confused about how to greet her, so I just smiled at her. After two days, she called and told that you smiled at me this is an inappropriate way to welcome when someone comes to you for condolence. People might think you are happy, but I assume you weren't as loved him a lot. For me being sad and in grief were my feelings not anyone else I kept them within me and showed something different of what I feel. It's now I realized how incongruent I have been to