Essay On Prescription Drugs

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When starting to write a paper and throughout the writing process it is important to keep your audience in mind. Your audience will most likely be the ones reading your paper so it is important to tailor your paper to best fit what will appeal to your audience. Different topics will have various audiences but my topic is focusing on prescription drugs. I would presume my audience knows about the topic of prescription drugs or they would like to know more about this topic. Babies to elderlies use these drugs on a daily basis making there be a big range of ages in my audience. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 48.7% of people in the United States have been “using at least one prescription drug in the past 30 days (“Therapeutic Drug Use”).” From this statistic, I can see I should have a big sized audience interested in my topic since a large amount of Americans use prescription drugs. After analysing my audience, I can see my audience will respond the most to credible information, …show more content…

After conducting my survey, I learned my audience's trust doctors the most when it came to prescription drugs. 95% of the people I surveyed said they trust doctors the most when talking about these types of drugs (Kirchner). Doctors are the people who prescribe prescription medications, so it can be inferred that they should know the most about them. To be able to be appeal to the ethos side of my audience I would need to resemble a credible author on my topic. One way I can appear to be a credible author on this topic is by including sources in my paper by doctors or individuals with similar backgrounds. Including these types of sources will make my audience find the information I talk about as being credible. It will be important for me to sound credible on the topic of prescription drugs so I will be able to persuade my audience that my stance on this topic is the right