Essay On Privacy In Canada

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Technology plays a pivotal role in the lives of Canadian teenagers today. More teens have access to Internet connected cell phones and computers than ever before. The ability to “like” a friend’s Facebook post, or share an article with friends is a simple mouse click away. Being more efficiently connected with friends and family is making the lives of teenagers better, but at the cost of more meaningful intimate relationships.

Social media arguably has the greatest affect on the lives of Canadian teenagers. Primarily, privacy issues do affect many teens. Most Canadian teens do take some steps to protect privacy online, however, teens have a limited understanding of the privacy policies in the online world. The support network is paramount …show more content…

The days of watching cable TV, or putting on a DVD are over. Older teens, (16-18), are turning to their personal smartphone or laptop to watch their favourite shows. They do like to watch the same shows as their friends. Face-to-face conversations are the primary way teens are able to find out what their friends are watching, followed closely by social media. Teens also tend to consume media through free outlets, such as YouTube more often then not. Although Netflix is one of the top three services which teens use to consume entertainment. Although teenagers in the household are using TV’s, more and more are using other digital screens to watch their favourite shows, whether it be through Netflix or YouTube.

Technology has pervaded every aspect of teenagers lives, from making and interacting with friends to watching their favourite shows. The essay you are reading was entirely researched online, for an online course, and will be submitted through the school’s website. None of that would have been possible without the reliance on technology we as a society have today. The ease with which teenagers can connect with friends online is astounding. Unfortunately, in making connection easier, a certain level of intimacy is