Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms Essay

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In 1982, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was established into Canada acting as the written part of Canada’s constitution. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms describes and guarantees the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians and also ensures equality for every single Canadian. There are many important sections throughout the entire charter but in my opinion, I believe that section 2 is the most important section of the charter. Section 2 is also known as the Fundamental Freedoms. Section 2 includes freedoms for Canadians such as freedom of: conscience, religion,thought, belief, opinion, expression, press and other media of communication, peaceful assembly and freedom of association. These are necessary freedoms that make Canada …show more content…

If freedom of religion was not allowed, our country wouldn’t have the diversity it has now and many people will be forced to practice one specific religion or not practice any. This affects the existence of religious buildings such as temples, churches, mosques and monasteries. Freedom of thought is the freedom of an individual to hold a fact, view or thought independant from others’ views and values. Allowing people to have the freedom to hold a fact even if others don’t hold the same views creates and allows Canadians to be themselves and not change their viewpoints and facts due to the others even if it’s majority. Freedom of belief is intertwined with freedom of religion, allowing people to have the freedom to believe in what they believe without anyone forcing them to change. Freedom of opinion and expression allows Canadians to hold opinions without being forced to change and allows your voice and opinion to be heard freely about issues varying from group debates to court arguments. This freedom is also considered as another important major piece of section