Essay On Professional Development Plan

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APN Professional Development Plan The purpose of this paper is to provide the student an opportunity to explain the role of the advanced practice nurse and develop an APN professional development plan. Advanced practice nurse is responsible for interviewing, examining, interpreting, assessing, teaching and guiding the patient. After the development of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, low- income family, children, women and elderly gained access to healthcare. This increased the need for primary care physicians throughout the United States. Due to the increase of patient load, physicians were not able to give appropriate care to all the patients in need. In 1965, Loretta Ford, partner with a physician Henry Silver, to create the very first training …show more content…

A national effort has been done by APRN consensus model to resolve the inconsistency of APRN scope of practice by making a document which states that education, accreditation, certification and licensure (LACE) of APRNs should be in order to ensure patient safety and to expand patient access and to promote consistent scope of practice. In the United States each state have their own set rules for NP to follow some state provide full practice authority, some provide restricted and some reduced …show more content…

The state of Texas follows restricted practice for nurse practitioner that means state requires supervision, delegation by physician in order for NP to provide patient care. Some state have full practice authority that means the state practices and licensure law allows NPs to evaluate patients, diagnose, order and interpret diagnostic tests, initiate and manage treatments including prescribing medications under the exclusive licensure authority of the state board of nursing (AANP, 2014).Reduced practice and licensure means that NP has ability to engage in at least one element of the NP practice and is regulated through a collaborative agreement with an outside health discipline in order to provide patient care (AARP, 2013). Restricted practice and licensure means NP has ability to engage in at least one element of NP practice and requires supervision, delegation or team management by an outside health discipline in order to provide patient care (AARP, 2013). According to The Texas Nurse Practitioner (n.d), nurse practitioner in the state of Texas are required to have a written prescriptive authority agreement (PAA) with a physician, to prescribe medication. Physician supervision is needed as per the type of authority document e.g. PAA or protocol. Seven advanced practice nurse can work under one physician. Nurse practitioners can prescribe schedule III, IV and V controlled