
Essay On Public Transportation

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According to Oxford 8th edition dictionary, public transportation means the system of buses, trains and etc. provided by the government or by companies, which people use to travel and ease them to go from one place to another. With that, people have a lot of choices as their transportation in their daily life. People nowadays are also aware of the pollution that caused by the increase of number of private cars that have been used on the road. Based on the latest research regarding the number of transportation, Ali Hussein Hsan Sabeen, Ahmad Elmugtaba Anwar and Zainura Z.Noor (2012) claimed that at the end of the year, 2005 there are more than 15,000 million vehicles, motor cars, motorcycle, buses and trucks on the road. In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, people are encouraged to use their cars less and choose public transport as their transportation. There are so many ways to encourage these people and it will go through the help of the government, …show more content…

A stronger economy, less global warming, mobility for small urban and rural communities contributed to a better quality of life. Advertisement, public transport services and the government should work together in order to encourage people from stop using their own cars and start taking public transport as their main transportation in their daily life. It might look a small matter but it is for our own good sake and also for our generation. By providing them a clean air could produce a better leader in future. We should take the first step and follow by the others (Dr Fadzilah Kamsah, 2015) Meaning that we are the one who should be the first that used public transportation because our action it will be followed by the young generation. As the saying goes, leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality (Bennis, n.d). Together we change for a better future. Together we save our planet by reducing the

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