Essay On Purpose In Life

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My friend, irrespective of our unique looks, size, style, abilities and design, all of us humans have the same purpose. Our place of origin and birth reveals our purpose on earth. If you believe that you are from God, then your purpose here on earth is the same with all those that are form God. The truth is that we all have the same purpose on this planet earth.

It is important to note that our abilities which comprises of our skills, talents, creativity, wisdom and power is all tired to the assignment given to us for humanity. In other for us humans to be useful, in other for us to be relevant and preserve this planet. We should realise that we are not an exception to the three main reasons why we were created in the first place. Having a full knowledge of these reasons will enable you to live your life as much as you can, without have doubt in mind concerning your purpose in life. It will encourage, empower and provide you with the necessary wisdom you require to have a clear vision of your purpose despite your uniqueness as a person.

As the purpose of transportation brought about our cars, ships and planes, like wise your unique identity and all other human race and its purpose, can be considered as follows:

Bearing Fruit …show more content…

When a tree is relevant, it last long. The irrelevant trees often end up as firewood or could be used as building materials. As a person, you are designed in a way that people should benefit from you, be it in caring, kindness, or in cash, if your life cannot prove any of these, am sorry to say that you are already failing in your purpose. If humanity is not gaining from you, I guess you already know what that implies. Being fruitful is an act of providing what will be a blessing to the entire human race, it is not just the act of reproduction as people often think but