Essay On Right To Bear Arms Freedom

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Americas Most Unique Freedom Currently in The United States there is a debate that continues to grow day by day. That debate is whether or not firearms need more regulations due to the amount of mass shootings in the past twenty years. Some to considers gun control, which is any proposed or enacted law that imposes some kind of firearms restrictions, unconstitutional. It is claimed that the second amendment, which is part of the U.S. constitution and written by James Madison, is a right that cannot be infringed. When the constitution was written in 1789, the second amendment was written as the right to bear arms, and sense we Americans have had this right sense our nations birth we should continue to have these rights, gun control is unconstitutional because it is stripping away a right from the people. American citizens have the right to bear arms for a reason. When the second amendment was written, the government understood that people need to be able to defend themselves and their families. They also knew what it was like to have their own government oppress them. With the second amendment, the people can defend themselves from their government. In …show more content…

They have a very deep meaning. They are just as powerful as the man who wrote them, James Madison, the fourth President of The United States of America. When he stated, “…shall not be infringed.” He meant it. The current government cannot abolish the right to bear arms by order of the fourth President of United States of America. There will be a day when this great nation is invaded once again, and on that day all men will be expected to defend their homeland. They cannot simply go and receive training and a weapon the same day. They will need to be able to provide for the common