Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson developed Routine Activity Theory. Routine Activity Theory is where children commit delinquent or criminal acts when there are no capable guardians, when they find suitable targets and limited activities for them to take part in. Children ultimately weigh in the risks and decide whether or not they commit a crime.
A person can be influenced by the interaction of these three variables: finding targets, not having guardians around and the presence of people willing to commit a crime (Welsh and Siegel,64). After taking in and considering all three variables, an individual decides to violate the law based on the benefits of the crime. Most juveniles or children are considered to be rational decision makers when it comes to committing crimes (Welsh Siegel,64).They weigh in whether they believe what they do will be noticed by guardians and choose where to commit crimes (Welsh Siegel, 64). Potential lawbreakers look for easy targets before striking. When there are more teenagers willing to commit a crime than there are activities, the number of willing teens ready to commit a crime tends to increase (Welsh Siegel, 65).
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New members are able to join this gang by the traditional way of jumping in for three minutes, blessed in or are born into the gang.The women do not have any specific initiation and are usually the mothers,wives,sisters or girlfriends of current gang members. Members of the Latin Kings typically wear black and gold clothing. The black clothing represents death and Gold clothing represents life (“Latin Kings and Queens Information”). However, some gang affiliated colors worn by them can be red,brown,purple and/or green (SPO Timothy Green). They also wear a five point star which represents their values of respect,honesty,unity,knowledge,and love (Stephanie