Essay On Safe America

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When I think of America, I think of freedom and all we fought for to get where we are today. I think of all the people that sacrifice their lives to make America a safe place to live. Today so much has changed including the technology, which will continue to change for the rest of our lives. It is crazy how different things are going to be 50 years from now. My parents are always talking about how much has changed from when they were kids compared to now. Technology is going to change for the rest of our lives. Technology is improving every day in schools. Whatever happened to the old-fashioned chalkboards and textbooks? Now all we have are laptops and iPads. Kids in elementary know how to work cell phones better than I do, that's because …show more content…

Respecting our veterans includes providing them the ways and means they so desperately need to reintegrate into our lives and serve us again as productive members of our civilian community. It's a sad sight to see a military veteran living on the streets. Every day across the country military recruiters, stand in front of high school students and tell them how military service is a great opportunity to build a career. Tell them how the Army, Navy, Marines, and Airforce are a sure ticket to a good start in life and how through serving their country. What they don't tell them is that they might find themselves sleeping on the streets of the very country they fought to defend when they come home. Homelessness in America is changing military veterans and have always been at an increased risk of homelessness, but in the wake of Iraq and Afghanistan more young veterans are finding themselves. Without a home when they come home from war. Through the end of September, 2012 26,531 of them were living on the streets, at risk of losing their homes, staying in temporary housing or receiving federal vouchers to pay rent, the Department of Veterans Affairs reports. That's up from 10,500 in 2010. The VA says the numbers could be higher because they include only the homeless the department is aware