Essay On Self-Directed Learner

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Essentially self-directed learner must be self motivated,confident individual that is able to survive on his own in this technological paradigm. He must depend upon the knowledge that was attained and build upon it, his independence will be measured by his persistence . Self-directed learner has self-confident, he believes he can perform effectively in any situation and deliver whatever accomplishment or goal is set. He also set a planned schedule for completing tasks. Self-directed learner takes initiative in every aspect and do not wait to be told what to. Self-directed, intrinsically motivated, active learner is driven by the “why, how and do” effect. We are driven by curiosity of how things work and why they are and have the ability …show more content…

Self motivated or intrinsically engaged student may lack enthusiasm in activities if a sense of interest or enjoyment is absent. Their behavior is driven mostly by emotion rather than rewards or pressures. It can also be a slow process in developing intrinsically motivated behaviors. b. Self motivated and engage students may lose touch with reality with an attitude of seclusion . When faced with an extrinsical environmental actions, such as resentment, resistance and disinterest sometimes prevail. They perceive reluctance in undertaking projects as failure to expand on their ability and gain new knowledge. 3. Plan at least 5 strategies for personal growth and explain how you will implement your plan. a. Be present. By focusing on the matter at hand by immersing myself in the activity that I am doing, even if it’s hard and tedious. b. Disengage from the opinions of others: By freeing myself from the way my friends may think of me or worse may judge me by, emancipating my mind from mental slavery of the perception of others I determine my future that I am able to become the true person that I am. c. Simplify everything: Reflect of buying habits and streamline my schedule to the most important things. This includes leaving friend behind who absorbs much of my time and energy of things that don not

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