
Essay On Service Scholarship

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During my time in the Forensics Speech and Debate Club, I believe that my contributions to the team significantly impacted those around me. When I first joined Forensics, I knew little about proper speaking and how Forensics affects others. However, I learned over time that I could help people recognize essential issues of life that need attention by performing and presenting various types of speeches. Through these speeches, I support the people around me, and through creating these speeches, I am a suitable candidate for a scholarship. Given my participation in the Forensics Speech and Debate Club, I should receive a service scholarship due to the impact I have on the audience, the effect I have on the team, and my ability to spread the word of God. When I mention the impact my speeches have on the audience, I refer to an exemplary method in which I demonstrate what people should or should not do in real life using references. For example, in Forensics, I performed in a speech event called Program Oral …show more content…

In every meeting and every session, I put the glory of God above all motivations when presenting my speeches and try to spread his love to those who need it. The Forensics Speech and Debate Club has allowed me to spread that love through sharing the gospel with both my teammates and anyone I’m competing against in Forensics tournaments. In Mark 16:15, Jesus tells us to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation,” which is precisely what I’m doing within Forensics. Whether through direct citations of scripture in my speeches or through a brief mention of it to my rivals in competition when passing by, I spread the word of God when I can to become an adequate servant of God. Through this devotion to praise and prayer, I have become a worthy candidate for a

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