Essay On Shakespeare Course

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Prior to the summer semester of 2017, I was informed by my advisor that if I wanted to graduate on time, I had to load up on a few summer classes in order to make this happen. He also informed me that I was still missing my “Shakespeare requirement.” This led to me doing an inter-campus transfer in order to enroll in L313-The Early Plays of Shakespeare with Dr. Patrick Daly. This class helped me to improve my knowledge of the English language by introducing me to some terms and classic works I was previously unfamiliar with.
Background Information
Overall, this course went over some of Shakespeare’s work that I was familiar with, but have never studied during my collegiate career. Being a prospective high school English teacher, I was aware that most of these works are worked with within the high school classroom. This helped me become motivated and excited to work with these great plays hands-on. I am currently a senior at Indiana University South Bend and declared my major as secondary English education about three semesters ago. Before starting at IUSB, I went to Columbia College in Chicago where I studied journalism and wrote for the school paper. In conjunction with this writing …show more content…

Furthermore, by having us carefully study the cultural aspects of this time period, we were able to learn the roots of why Shakespeare wrote characters and settings the ways that he did. For example, one test question that stands out in regards to this cultural assimilation, is when students were asked about what types of currency was used at this time in England. At first, this question seems like it has nothing to do with the material. But, within Shakespeare’s works, it is important to know what the characters are saying when they are talking about these specific