Standard 2 From Michigan Standard For Preparation Of Principals

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Evaluation and observation are a key part of a teacher’s development. Often times it happens more with new teachers. For me, I sat in on a teachers’ lesson in my hometown. It was interesting, to say the least. Some of the teachers have been with the school district for years, and only a few received tenure. Thinking back, most teachers during my time at the school seldom received evaluations. If they did, it was likely very seldom and the observer sat quietly in the room. There are two reasons I can think of this, guidelines have changed for teaching observation or the school itself did evaluation differently. Regardless of the case, I was interested in how the teacher I have chosen would react to being evaluated. During my observation, I …show more content…

I found the most satisfied students are ones that give a complete explanation of what the course or staff member expects of them. I agree with the DiPaola & Hoy that “The goal of a teacher and principal is finding the balance of classroom activities that is most effective for a particular class at a particular grade level to achieve the instructional objective.” (2013, pg.274). The teacher I observed appeared to have grade level appropriate activities. A good example is the reading material he chooses for each of his classes. He teaches two English courses. During the year he teaches the two Shakespeare plays. He has the lower class do a presentation, while the upper class does a research paper. This follows the standard because the teacher uses these activities for years, and gives the student prompts to have them focus on a particular topic. The students understand what the teacher wants from their …show more content…

On page 113, Blasé and Kirby wrote, “Our teachers reported that are effective principles are visible, both in the hallways and in the classrooms.” (2014). I think this applies to the teaching staff at the public school I observed too. The principal, from what I was told, continually checked in with his staff. He holds weekly staff meetings, to let them know about new developments in policy or news about the school in general. I asked the teacher about the principal leadership skills, they told me that he visited classrooms constantly and was the first person student saw in the morning. The teacher told me that he was a help in developing his curriculum because the principal was an English teacher previously. His type of experience was helpful to his staff because he was once like