Teaching Philosophy Statement

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As a future educator the younger grades have always been a passion of mine to teach and educate. I have always wanted to be a teacher from my first day of kindergarten myself because my teacher was so caring and took any worries and troubles, I was having about being away from my mother. She made me feel loved and safe. That is what I want both my future students to feel but I also want the future parents to see that their child is in good hands and I will do everything in my power to protect and guide their children to succeed. Taking care of little children has always been something that I enjoyed doing whether it was one of my family members or children my church community. Having a fun and energetic personality makes me connect to the younger students and create creative and memorable moments that they remember for years to come. …show more content…

It is important for teachers who deal with young students to start their love for learning and if a teacher does not keep their students entertain, they will never find school fun and see it as a place that their parents force them to go every day instead of a place that they go to for learning and connecting with other students their own age. Another goal that I have as a teacher is to make my students feel safe and cared for. I never want to be a teacher that does not show that they care for their students and is just there to teach and go home. I know some days are going to be more challenging than others but as a teacher I want my students to see that I not only love my job but want to celebrate those small achievements that my students accomplish in their day-to-day