Essay On Shorthorn

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Shorthorn The Shorthorn Breed of Cattle was originated on the northeastern coast of England . Shorthorn cattle, breed of beef cattle developed from the native cattle of the Tees valley in NE England; formerly called Durham cattle. Systematic breeding of Shorthorns began in the latter part of the 18th cent. First imported to the United States in 1783, they are now found in every part of the country. Shorthorns are medium-sized with compact, low-set, rectangular bodies. In color they vary from red to white or any combination of these colors, with a predominance of roan. Because of their strength and good temperament, Shorthorns were occasionally used as draft animals. The Milking Shorthorn, a dairy breed developed in England from the Shorthorn, is appreciated for its adaptability to different climates, its efficient use of feed, and the superior protein-to-fat ratio of its milk. The genetically hornless Polled Shorthorns are about 60% of the beef Shorthorns registered in the United …show more content…

The system of inbreeding followed in the Colling herd is illustrated in the diagrammed pedigree of Comet (155) in Chart 2-1. This bull was calved in 1804 and created quite a sensation when he sold for $5,000 at public auction. The second calf sired by Favorite (252) was steered and became known as the "Durham Ox." In 1831 Mr. Bates was searching for some females of Colling breeding and spied the bull Belvedere (1706) looking through a barn door at the farm of a Mr. Stephenson, and purchased the bull for $250. Belvedere was a yellow-roan bull of large scale with heavy shoulders and a mean disposition, but he was a bull of mellow hide. He was used freely on the Duchess females of the Bates herd, and was the sire of Duchess 34th, who was bred back to her sire to produce Duke of Northumberland (1940), the greatest breeding bull but was also shown to the Championship of