Essay On Slavery In America

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Slavery has always been a revolving issue even in society and history today. Slavery in the United States has many negative aspects that follow its name. Slavery needed to be put to a stop due to the fact that the working conditions were horrible, it was against the right of individuals, as well as slavery was a term that was used loosely and held no significance behind it. Many individuals who were succumbed to the slave industry were vulnerable and had no other opportunity or even a chance to get out. Many slaves would work in horrible conditions and some would even lose their lives due to the conditions they were forced to work in. The living conditions as a slave should have never been the way that they were like it was in the South. …show more content…

In the South there were slave codes that were set into place which “forbade slaves to hold property, to leave their masters’ premises without permission, to be out after dark, to congregate with other slaves except at church, to carry firearms, to testify in court against white people, or to strike a white person even in self-defense”(Brinkley, 261). These slave codes pretty much stripped the slaves from their freedom and liberty from which they should have been granted since birth. For a slave not to be able to live a life and be free is very obscure in the life we live today. Life for a slave was very unjust due to the fact that if a slave was to be killed by a white then there was no crime but if a slave killed a white then the slave was to be put on the death penalty. As William Lloyd Garrison states in his article, “Every slave is a stolen man; every slaveholder is a man stealer” (Garrison) expresses the image that these men or women are being taken from their families and being sold into slavery as if they were something that is worthless and has no value to it besides making money for whites or doing hard

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