
Essay On Stereotypes Of Women

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Since the birth of communication, media has been used to convey information to those willing to absorb it. In this day and age, media has soared to new heights in the twentieth century, with radio, television, and the internet. The media now branches into our lives whether it be through movies, music, video games, or advertisements. With such a strong hold on people’s daily life, the media is capable of shaping modern society and influencing the public’s opinion. Now, when media is biased, this tends to lead to unpleasant results, such as societies view on women today. I’m sure each of you has witnessed an example of this at some point, a scantily clad women in a music video, or in a magazine cover. The media indirectly tells us what the ideal women should look like, and because we are susceptible to media in almost every aspect of our lives, we make the medias ideals our ideals. Images of women that have been edited are being presented to us daily. The image of women in this pictures are unattainable, and people know they are unattainable, so why are such standards being imposed on women, average everyday women that are larger and older than the Medias ideals, today. …show more content…

Quite often we find youths who are obsessed with their figure and in the course to reach the image portrayed by the media, they can develop anorexia, bulimia and harmful dietary plans. Until society separates their ideals from what is given by the media, society will continue to decline. This can only be fixed if the media itself distinguishes certain products and allow the product to present itself to a separated audience. Until society learns to separate media from conscience, the vulnerable will continue to subjugate themselves to extreme harmful practices, and I digress, everyone is vulnerable, for we are not

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