Advantages Of Conflict Theory

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Within this essay I will be discussing symbolic interaction and how it promotes the view of agency. Thereafter I will be discussing how the conflict theory arguments the reproducing culture of a dominant class and the relationship between structure and agency. Symbolic interaction focuses on the self and the society, this means that the theorists study the persons self and their interactions with in society, what is common and what develops through is interaction, this is the human behaviour, social process and pragmatism. Herbert Blumer states there are 3 premises that make up symbolic interaction. The first premise is “Humans act towards things on the basis of the meaning that things have for them”, this means that a person will have a specific …show more content…

Another example of the advantages that the middle class have over the working class is that the middle class would most likely grow up reading or listening to their parents reading a book, which gives them an advantage of the skills needed for reading in the school environment, while the working class might not being able to access such books, resulting in them not being able to have the skills that the middle class has, which will disadvantage them within the school environment. Middle class learning grow up being taught certain values, such as to ask by saying ‘may I’ while working class learners did not. This may seem like something small but within the school environment they focus on the values that the dominate groups possess resulting in the learners being picked on or judge against resulting in them not feeling as if they are capable to do as the middle class learners are and feeling as if they will not succeed. This shows how the schools promote the dominate culture within …show more content…

In the other hand if there are many individuals’ unemployed it will result in the structure having an unemployment problem and may result in them having an economic problem as the agencies are not bringing in enough money because there aren’t enough employees to bring in money. This will result in the agency affecting the structure due to