Essay On Tanning

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Tanning is important and extremely popular especially amongst adolescents. Studies have provided researchers with the information that non- Hispanic, white adolescents seem to partake in the use of indoor tanning more frequency than non-white adolescents. With the data provided, 36.8% of the white female adolescents and 11.2% of the white male adolescents have used a tanning booth at least once in their life, while 28.1% and 6.9% of the female and male adolescents, respectively, reported tanning booth use 3 or more times (Demko et al.). A 2006 study used naltrexone, an opioid antagonist, to induce symptoms of withdrawal in frequent tanners. In this study, 50% of frequent tanners given naltrexone before Ultraviolet exposure exhibited withdrawal …show more content…

Tanning booths and beds provide individuals with access to Vitamin D during these cold, gloomy months. For many people, exposing yourself to just 20 minutes of rays a day can help reduce Vitamin D deficiencies later on in life (Pick). Vitamin D is believed to be extremely beneficial to one’s overall health. It may also reduce your risk of certain cancers, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), as well as type one diabetes. Spending time in the sun can supply the body with Vitamin D, which is necessary for our everyday lives. It plays a primary role in calcium absorption and metabolism for bone health. The role of Vitamin D is extremely important because during pregnancy, bones develop fast, as well as the fact that skin pigment in women is much less than that of men’s (Grant and Holick). When a woman does not contain a sufficient amount of Vitamin D, the infant can be born with low birth weights and develop bone and other growth deformities. This reduces the risk of developing Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, as well as treating its symptoms (Grant and Holick). This is a great advantage for adolescents because during this time period is when you need to have the best overall health so you do not develop deficiencies later in your

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