Essay On Texas Political Culture

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Texans political culture can be described as individualistic and traditional. Texans are proud of their state and they have started to take a stance on their phrase “don’t mess with Texas,” just to send a message to the people who even think of changing the way Texas works. Texas has a very low tax rate and it is all because of the distrust in the upscale government programs. The political culture of this state is influenced by business. Even the geography of the state plays a major role in the politics of the state as the large size of the state of Texas consists of flat lands in east Texas, arid climate in the west of Texas, and the central Texas’s hill country all represent a very diverse pattern of lands and the ecosystem. Texas …show more content…

Each region has contributed to the state’s economic development. Oil

production came into play in the twentieth century before that Texas’s economy was influenced mostly by cotton. Now the trade has helped Texas’s economy a lot. In the early 1990s, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) put Texas in the middle of an expanding international economy.

There is a major diversity in the culture of Texas. At first it was a place where all the white men were residing but now there is a large population of Latinos and African American. The Asians take up 4.2 percent of the state’s population so the diversity of the type of cultures in Texas makes it the majority-minority state. International and domestic immigration is increasing and diversifying the state’s population. Texans are generally younger and are generally poorer than individuals in other states.

Illegal immigration has played a major role in the state’s population. There are approximately 2 million illegal immigrants in Texas and most of them are from Mexico. This is one of the reason behind the dramatical increase in population of Texas. Measures are being taken to control the number of illegal immigrants from entering the