
Four Political Party Parties

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The purpose of the political party platform is to explain the position the party takes on various issues. The position of the four major political parties, on the issue of immigration will be described below.
The Texas Democrat Party is can be described as apprehensive when it comes to immigration. Unlike some parties who are against the thought of immigrants, the Texas Democrat party has made efforts in helping those who do not have the traditional citizenship as an american. One example of how The Texas Democratic Party is supportive is the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act was introduced by President Obama in hopes of giving a better life to children who have undocumented parents. This act was also established for immigrants that were brought to America as minors, in addition, helping to create a pathway to earn legal status and citizenship by serving in the military or going to college (Tx Democrats, Mail). From researching the Texas Democrat Party’s immigration policy, it was learned that immigrants can earn citizenship by partaking in military. This was interesting because I would have never thought a country would make an immigrant fight in order to be a citizen, owing to the fact of, as a person, you have to be determined to fight not forced; your interest will not …show more content…

According to research, because the state of Texas is a frequent location for immigrants, it is reverenced that immigrants get the same human rights as existing citizens. The Green Party’s wish for immigrants is for immigrants to secure civil rights, and gain uniform labor policies that grant them with identical labor rights (Green Party of Texas, Web). Although there can be many cons to immigration for the Texas , this particular party oversees the negativity, while focusing on ways it can better our the state of Texas. I learned that Texas can be welcoming to immigrants despite what the media

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