
Essay On Texas Voting

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Voting has become a big part of today because people want to see a difference or more of an improvement in the country. In Texas, just like in any other state, people are allowed to choose who they want to represent. Many elections are held each year, which showcases many ways of how people can vote. When results are demonstrated to the public, the data shows how many people voted. In areas of Texas, the voter turnout is not high compared to those in other states. Some of the barriers that may contribute to the low voting in Texas could be qualifications, registration, time, as well as other factors. Qualifications of voters are an issue when voting because they are lost on what to do. Collier et al. state voters don’t know if they’re eligible to vote, the …show more content…

All the states have a different approach to how they register the citizens. As mentioned in the Texas Lone Star Politics: Tradition and Transformation, fifteen states have same-day voter registration (Collier et al., 449). Meaning that people are allowed to vote on the same day, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t limited to the election contests. What happens also is that people have jobs, and they are allowed to vote after work, but sometimes there isn’t enough time to go to the polls and cast their vote. Time should be extended so that these people are able to bring what they need to cast their votes. Furthermore, some ways that voter turnout can increase is by fixing problems with the online voting system as well as having more things accessible for people with disabilities. Media Contact showcases how specific voters couldn’t vote online because Texas didn’t have an option available (New Common Cause Report: Texas Voters Faced Preventable Challenges at the Polls in 2022, 14). Being able to vote online would be easier for many voters and even save resources that aren’t being

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